Fly coil RAR passed expert review

Publish time: 10th March, 2014      Source: China Pesticide
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Fly coil RAR passed expert review
Risk Assessment Report (RAR) of Fly Coil to Human Health was reviewed and approved at the expert review meeting, held by ICAMA in Beijing on July 23rd, 2013.
Ye Jimin, DDG of ICAMA, Li Wenxin and Huang Hui, Division Director and Deputy Division Director of Department of Crop Production of MOA, Tao Chuanjiang, Division Director of Toxicology Review of ICAMA and Zong Fulin, Division Director of Re-evaluation of Registered Pesticides of ICAMA attended the meeting.
After listening to the report from the assessment working group, experts reviewed and discussed a wide range of issues, including assessment methodology, scenario, parameters, uncertain factors, uncertainty analysis, etc.
In line with the requirements of National Review Committee of Pesticide Registration, ICAMA investigated on the use and registration of fly coil products, build up risk assessment methodology and modules by learning from international expertise and experience. Risks of seven active ingredients at 5 indoor or outdoor scenarios were assessed, based on which a risk assessment report was compiled. It was agreed that the assessment was open, transparent and independent, using sufficient investigation data and science-based methodology. Therefore, the expert panel found the assessment result accountable and the RAR approved. 
Experts attended the Meeting pointed out that such assessment was the first comprehensive risk assessment of sanitizers to human health in China, which was a ice-breaking deed.
At last, DDG Ye Jimin extended appreciations to the working group members for their hard work, and suggested to take fly coil assessment as an example for assessing other sanitizers so as to further improve the registration service in China.
Fly coil is an emerging coil product to kill or expel flies by burning out. From 2002 to 2010, 92 fly coil products from 78 manufacturing enterprises were registered. And the active ingredients are mainly chlorempenthrin and empenthrin. Due to certain risks in using fly coil products, the 7th Session of the Eighth National Review Committee Meeting of Pesticide Registration decided to halt the registration of new products or renewal registration in August 2010. At the 11th Session of the Eighth National Review Committee Meeting of Pesticide Registration in August 2012, it was decided that further investigation should be conducted by ICAMA to assess the risks of fly coil products.
The expert panel was composed of 18 members. Another over 20 people representing ICAMA, research institutes, industry associations and manufacturing enterprises also attended the Review Meeting.