Zhejiang ICA develops a recommended pesticide list for pest control

Publish time: 10th March, 2014      Source: China Pesticide
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Zhejiang ICA develops a recommended pesticide list for pest control
Zhejiang ICA develops a recommended pesticide list for pest control
Lately, Institute of Control of Agro-chemicals of Zhejiang province had developed a provincial list for the year of 2012 on recommended pesticides for pest control of paddy rice, vegetables, fruit, and tea trees.
The List is worked out for the purpose of improving the scientific use of pesticides, extending green approach of pest control, and guaranteeing the quality and safety of agri-food.
On the List, 82 pesticides are recommended to control rice stem borer and rice planthopper; 82 pesticides against vegetable grey mould; 67 pesticides against pear scab, grape anthracnose, strawberry grey mould and citrus bacterial canker disease; 24 pesticides against tea geometrid and tea green leafhopper. (Source: Zhejiang ICA)