Niu Dun attends the National Video Conference on Work of Fishery and Fishery Law Enforcement

Publish time: 16th January, 2014      Source: MOA
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The National Video Conference on Work of Fishery and Fishery Law Enforcement was held in Beijing on Jan 14, 2014. The Meeting reviewed the achievements in fishery development and law enforcement of 2013 and outlined the work priorities for fishery in 2014. MOA Vice Minister Niu Dun attended and addressed the Meeting.


In his speech, Niu pointed out that the fishery and fishery law enforcement authorities shoulder the responsibilities of regulating and developing the fisheries industry of the nation. Therefore they should further improve their regulatory performance, fully conduct their official duties, strengthen their public service to serve the fishermen to their satisfaction. Niu stated that under the new circumstances, fishery authorities should earnestly carry out their regulatory responsibilities and further strengthen fishery law enforcement.


Throughout 2013, fishing industry in China has kept a good momentum of development. It is estimated that the GDP of the fishery sector will reach 1,992 billion yuan, up 15% over the previous year. The overall national output of aquatic products will exceed 61.72 million tons, up 4.5 percent. The output of pelagic fishing in 2013 is estimated at 1.3 million tons that is worth a total of 14 billion yuan and up by over 6% over the previous year. Both the volume and value of fishery export increased in 2013. The annual average net income of fishermen reached 13,039 yuan, up 1783 yuan over 2012 with a growth rate of15.84%. The housing project for fishermen was launched with the allocation of 500 million yuan from the central budget. Fishermen from 8 provinces including Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui have benefited from the central housing policy for the first time. 


At the Conference, Niu also urged for further reform and development in fishery regulation and law enforcement under the guidance of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee. To achieve this, intensive efforts must be carried out the in the following aspects: 


First, to stabilize and complete the basic operation system of the fishery sector; Second, to fully implement the development strategy that gives priority to the conservation of ecosystem; Third, to develop and strengthen the modern fishery industry; Fourth, to further expand the opening up of the fishery industry; Fifth, to improve support and protection policies on fishery sector.