Shanxi Jan-Apr coke output down 3.9pct on yr

Publish time: 22nd May, 2015      Source:
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Northern China’s Shanxi province produced a total 27.05 million tonnes of coke over January-April, down 3.9% year on year, compared with a 2.3% drop in the country’s total output growth during the same period and a 3.04% drop a year ago, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.Shanxi produced 6.66 million tonnes of coke in April, down 0.28% on month and down 2.34% on year, data showed.By the end of April, the average explant price of Shanxi Grade II coke transported by road stood at 720 yuan/t, down 30 yuan/t from end-March – the fourth consecutive monthly drop, falling 18.2% and 21.7% from end-2014 and the year-ago level, respectively.In the first quarter, Shanxi’s coking industry posted a total loss of 2.05 billion yuan ($335.5 million), compared with a loss of 1.56 billion yuan the same period last year. A total of 114 coking firms, or 79.2% of the total, were in red, with total loss at 2.12 billion yuan, 25.4% higher than the year before.The declines were mainly due to weak demand from downstream steel mills amid a slowdown of the macro economy.