Stripe rust onwheat in Pakistan, Mexico

Publish time: 31st May, 2015      Source: A ProMED-mail post<;
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Stripe rust onwheat in Pakistan, MexicoStripe rust onwheat in Pakistan, Mexico" title="Share this link on Facebook">A ProMED-mail post<;ProMED-mail is a program of theInternational Society for Infectious Diseases <>In this posting:[1] Pakistan: (Punjab), alert[2] Mexico: (Chihuahua)******[1] Pakistan: (Punjab), alertDate: Wed 27 May 2015Source: Reuters [edited]<>Farmers from districts southeast of Islamabad in Punjab province said that delayed or excessive rains, coupled with heavy hailstorms, have nearly flattened their wheat and mustard crops. [For some], an estimated 70 per cent of their crop was ruined.As unseasonable rain continues, many farmers are still waiting to harvest their crops. According to farming experts, such delays can increase the chances of attack by yellow rust, a fungal disease that hampers photosynthesis and stunts the growth of grain.Ibrahim Mughal, Pakistan Agri Forum, estimates that unwanted rains in northern Punjab and Kyber-Pakhtunkhwa provinces have resulted in losses of up to 50 percent in wheat, mustard, and maize production."We estimate damages of over 3 million tons to the [wheat] crop this year [2015]," said Sikandar Hayat Bosan, federal minister for National Food Security and Research.[Byline: Saleem Shaikh, Sughra Tunio]--Communicated by:ProMED-mail<>******[2] Mexico: (Chihuahua)Date: Thu 28 May 2015Source: El Diario [in Spanish, trans. Corr.SB, summ. Mod.DHA, edited] <>A total area of ??13 230 hectares of wheat were planted in the region of Nuevo Casas Grandes [state of Chihuahua] in 2015 with a harvest estimated at 5.7 tons per hectare which represents a good income for farmers.Guillermo Acosta of SAGARPA [Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries & Food] announced that the expected yield will decrease to 3.5 to 4 tonnes per hectare. He said that this is due to yellow rust, a very aggressive disease if conditions are favourable and the wheat variety is susceptible.[Byline: Karime Estrada García]--Communicated by:ProMED-mail<>[Stripe rust (also called yellow rust) of cereals is caused by the fungus _Puccinia striiformis_ (previously var. _striiformis_ or _tritici_). The disease affects wheat, some barley varieties, triticale and a number of wild grasses. It causes yellow leaf stripes, loss of plant vigour and stunting of plants with yield losses of 40 to100 per cent in wheat.Spores are wind dispersed in several cycles during the cropping season. Grasses and volunteer crop plants may generate a "green bridge," providing inoculum for the next crop cycle. Disease monitoring is important so timely action can be taken to limit the spread of the pathogen as well as build-up of inoculum. Disease management may include the use of resistant varieties, fungicide applications and control of pathogen reservoirs.New pathogen strains with increased virulence and additional fungicide resistances have been reported in recent years from wheat-growing areas worldwide. Monitoring and resistance breeding programmes have been established in different regions for early detection of new rust strains and to attempt to stay ahead of pathogen evolution.MapsPakistan (with provinces):<>Punjab districts:<>Mexico (with states):<>Chihuahua:<>PicturesStripe rust symptoms on wheat:<>,<>and<>Ryegrass with stripe rust:<>and<>LinksInformation on wheat stripe rust:<>,<> and <>Stripe rust management:<> and <>_P. striiformis_ life cycle:<>Stripe rust global tracking service:<>_P. striiformis_ taxonomy and synonyms:<>and<>- Mod.DHA][See Also:Stripe rust, wheat - India: (JK) 20150323.32478752014----Stripe rust, cereals - France 20140616.2543141 Stripe rust, wheat - Spain: (CL) Warrior strain 20140523.2489629 Undiagnosed rust, wheat - Pakistan: (KP) 20140321.2346029 Stripe rust, wheat - UK: Warrior strain, alert 20140122.2224928 Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB, HR) 20140109.21626932013----Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB) 20130118.15038582012----Stripe rust, wheat & triticale - Switzerland 20121004.1322743 Stem & stripe rusts, wheat: double resistance breeding20120831.1274190Stripe rust, triticale - Denmark: new strain susp 20120426.1114329 Leaf & stripe rusts, wheat - UK: new strains 20120208.1036727 Stripe rust, wheat - India: update 20120122.10179732011----Barley diseases - India: (JK) survey 20111201.3497 Stripe rust, barley - Australia: (NS) 20111103.3270 Stripe rust & foot rot, wheat - USA, UK 20110713.2109 Stripe rust, wheat - India, UK: spread 20110404.1042 Stripe rust, wheat - UK: (England), Claire strain 20110304.0705 Fungal diseases, cereals - Australia: (eastern, south) alert20110218.0531Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB) 20110211.04692010----Stripe rust, wheat - Lebanon 20101121.4214 Stripe rust, wheat - Turkey, Syria 20101021.3815 Stripe rust, wheat - Ethiopia 20100922.3420 Stripe rust, soft wheat - Syria (east) 20100609.1930 Stripe rust, wheat - Africa, Asia: new strain 20100531.1803 Stripe rust, wheat - USA: (AR) new strains, alert 20100510.1522 Stripe rust, wheat - India, UK: alert 20100121.02342009----Rust diseases, wheat - UK, Pakistan 20090424.1543 Stripe rust, wheat - India: new strain 20090329.1216 Wheat rusts - Kenya, India, Australia 20090312.1019 Rust diseases, wheat, mustard - India: (JK) 20090305.0897 and additional items in the archives]More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)Website: http://www.isid.orgPublished: May 31, 2015The news item on this page is copyright by the organization where it originatedFair use notice