China coal-to-glycol capacity to reach 3 mln T by 2015

Publish time: 2nd June, 2015      Source:
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China’s coal-to-glycol production capacity is estimated to reach nearly 3 million tonnes per annum by the end of 2015, sources said.China’s total annual coal-to-glycol production capacity has reached 1.35 million tonnes by end-May, but utilization rate was only 44.44%, as 750,000 tonnes of capacity were under suspension.Northern China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region recently gained approval to construct one coal-to-glycol project in Wushen Banner, Ordos city, which was designed to produce 400,000 tonnes of glycol from local candle coals each year, sources reported.Inner Mongolia has gained approval for the construction of nearly 10 coal-to-olefin projects. The 600,000-tonne project in Tongliao city and one 300,000-tonne project in Ordos city will be put into commercial operation soon.