Date for FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016 announced

Publish time: 29th June, 2015      Source:
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June 29, 2015



Date for FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016 announced




FIAAP, VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia 2016 will happen on March 29-31, 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand, said Henk van de Bunt, the general manager of Victam International BV.



The event will be held again at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC), with over half of the available exhibition space already reserved. It will cover animal feed ingredients and additives, aqua feed ingredients, biomass pelleting technology, petfood ingredients, flour and rice milling, and grain processing.



In addition, the second editions of both the ASEAN Feed Associations and ASEAN Feed & Rice Symposium are set to take place in BITEC. These will bring together members of milling associations from throughout Asia with industry experts.



Victam will also celebrate its 25th year since its first organised show in Southeast Asia.



Van de Bunt made the announcements at the recently concluded FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS International exhibition and conferences in Cologne, Germany. He will retire on July 1 next year but not before serving as general manager for next year''s VICTAM Asia in Bangkok.



There will be some changes within the Victam organization, according to Van de Bunt, with new members appointed to the board from within the feed, flour and grain industries.



Meanwhile, Victam, in conjunction with some conference organisers, will soon be launching a new venture to be held near Cologne in the early summer of 2017. It will feature a series of industry conferences and an additional area for companies to set up table-top exhibits, Van de Bunt said.