Province grasps Expo Milano opportunities

Publish time: 17th July, 2015      Source: China Daily
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Province grasps Expo Milano opportunities

DATE:2015-07-17           SOURCE:China Daily
Jiangxi hosts its largest European showcase of economic, social growth

Jiangxi province will present a "Jiangxi-themed day" in the Chinese Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 on Saturday. The provincial government regards the expo as a platform to tell the world about Jiangxi''s latest economic and social development and further open up the inland province.


The day will showcase Jiangxi''s long agricultural history and unique ecological and human environment around the themes "picturesque Jiangxi, ecological agriculture and environmentally friendly rise". Jiangxi will introduce its latest social and economic development achievements and show its low-carbon, recycle model and sustainable developments to visitors.


 Province grasps Expo Milano opportunities

Agriculture in Jiangxi: Tangerine picking (top left), farmers tending to their ducks (top right) and terraced fields in Chongyi county (above). Photos Provided to China Daily

About 145 countries, three international organizations and 13 nongovernmental organizations are participating in Expo Milano 2015, which is expected to attract 20 million visitors. The Jiangxi provincial government invited foreign officials, ambassadors, representatives of international organizations, commerce organizations and global top 500 enterprises, to its event at the expo, making it the largest-scale economic and trade activity Jiangxi has hosted in Europe in recent years.


Corresponding to the theme of the expo, which focuses on energy, life and the earth, the Jiangxi-themed day concentrates on agriculture, grain and food. Visitors will be able to watch a publicity video on Jiangxi and enjoy an exhibition about the province''s agriculture, green foods and intangible agricultural heritage. The provincial government has also organized a series of higher-end economic and trade promotional activities for investors and projects.


Milan is an economic and cultural center in Europe and is famous for fashion and design. Jiangxi will take advantage of Milan''s influence in Europe and grab the opportunity brought about by the expo to strengthen economic, human and cultural exchanges with Italy and other European countries, find more sister cities and deepen mutual understanding and interconnectivity with Europe.


The "Wannian rice planting culture" is the only exhibit from Jiangxi in the national exhibition at the core agricultural civilization section of the Chinese Pavilion during the 184-day event.


Poyang Lake in the north of Jiangxi is the largest freshwater lake in China and has been an agricultural center since ancient times because of its climate and water. In the past, the region around the lake was known as "a land of honey and milk". Now, the region is a model of organic food, ecological agriculture and preservation and recycle-model economy.


The publicity video on Jiangxi will be shown in the square outside the Chinese Pavilion and dining hall. The video demonstrates Jiangxi''s harmonious development concept, which attaches great significance to the balance between human and nature, by showcasing the province''s ecological environment, green food, customs and culture, economic development and history.


The green food and intangible agricultural heritage exhibition will also be held in the square.


To help ensure the day is a success, the provincial government set up a special organizing committee and a secretariat for Expo Milano 2015 led by the vice-governor of the province. The secretariat consists of five sections of comprehensive work, trade and investment, publicity, agriculture promotion and cultural exhibition.


(China Daily European Weekly 07/17/2015 page14)