China’s Feb thermal coal imports fall to lowest since April 2011

Publish time: 24th March, 2016      Source:
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China imported 5.06 million tonnes of thermal coal in February, falling 13.6% from the previous year and down 13.2% from January, the lowest level since April 2011, according to data from the General Administration of Customs.The volume included 3.75 million tonnes of bituminous material and 1.31 million tonnes of sub-bituminous coal, but excluded imports of lower CV lignite material.It is not unusual for Chinese coal imports to take a dip during February due to the impact of the country’s Lunar New year holiday.Over January-February, China imported 10.9 million tonnes of thermal coal, down 20.1% from a year ago.Australia remained the largest shipper of thermal coal to China at 2.54 million tonnes, with the volume falling 22% on year but remaining steady on month.Imports from Indonesia were 1.78 million tonnes, gaining 5% on the year, but decreasing 16% from January to an eight-month low.China’s imports of Russian thermal coal slipped back below 1 million tonnes to 729,020 tonnes in February, up 6% on year, but 28.6% lower than January’s one-year high.Total lignite imports in February were steady on year at 3.79 million tonnes, but fell 9% from January’s four-month high. Of the total, 3.25 million tonnes was received from Indonesia.CCR cordially invites you to participate in the 6th Global Coking Coal Resource & Market Summit to be held from 24th to 25th March 2016 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. The summit will provide professional insights on great changes that will impact market players over the mid and long term and how they should cement their positions in the market. For more details, please contact Gina Cao at +86 351 7219322 / or click HERE.