Timely snowfall means better harvest in Inner Mongolia

Publish time: 1st March, 2016      Source: China Daily
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Timely snowfall means better harvest in Inner Mongolia

DATE:2016-03-01           SOURCE:China Daily

The city of Hohhot, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, had plenty to celebrate for its Grain Bin Filling Festival, a traditional call for a good harvest, on the 20th day of the first lunar month, or Feb 27 this year, when it greeted a heavy snowfall that provides favorable conditions for a greener year.

Timely snowfall means better harvest in Inner Mongolia Citizens enjoying the snow in Manduhai Park, on Feb 27. [Photo/Xinhua]

Timely snowfall means better harvest in Inner Mongolia Clearing away the snow in Central Park, Hohhot, on Feb 27. [Photo/Xinhua]

Timely snowfall means better harvest in Inner Mongolia Making a snowman in Manduhai Park, Hohhot, on Feb 27. [Photo/Xinhua]