CCM: COFCO Tunhe: acquisition of 7 companies, efforts to be industry leader

Publish time: 23rd September, 2016      Source: CCM
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  On 14 June, 2016, COFCO Tunhe Co., Ltd. (COFCO Tunhe) announced to acquire 7 subsidiaries of China National Sugar & Alcohol Group Corporation (CNSAGC).



  Source: Baidu


   Accordingly, the targets include 100% of shares in Guangxi CNSAGC Logistics Co., Ltd., 100% of shares in Hebei CNSAGC Logistics Co., Ltd., 100% of shares in Hunan CNSAGC Logistics Co., Ltd., 87.50% of shares in Hebei CNSAGC Huayang Logistics Co., Ltd., 100% of shares in Liaoning CNSAGC Logistics Co., Ltd., 97.15% of shares in Zhangzhou CNSAGC Logistics Co., Ltd. (CNSAGC Zhangzhou) and 100% of shares in CNSAGC (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. (CNSAGC Chengdu). When the acquisition finishes, CNSAGC will only have 2 fully-owned subsidiaries, Langfang CNSAGC Industry Co., Ltd. and Zhanjiang CNSAGC Trade Co., Ltd.

The estimated net assets of the said 7 companies are the same as the transaction prices, with no premiums, totalling USD82.56 million (RMB544 million). By 30 June, 2015, only CNSAGC Zhangzhou and CNSAGC Chengdu made profits (net), at USD21,000 (RMB138,600) and USD716,900 (RMB4.72 million), whilst the other 5 were at small losses.

CNSAGC is a fully-owned subsidiary of China Huafu Trade & Development Group Corp., a fully-owned subsidiary China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO). Early in Aug. 2015, its sugar business was taken over by COFCO Tunhe. After the acquisition this time, most of CNSAGC's sugar business will be transferred to COFCO Tunhe, signalling a start in sugar business integration.

COFCO and CNSAGC are both subsidiaries of COFCO. The acquisition is expected to help avoid internal competition, and to make up COFCO Tunhe's deficiency in storage capacity, to solidify its position in sugar business.


Earlier COFCO Tunhe was mainly involved in tomato processing, ever as the largest tomato product producer in the world. In 2013, it began focusing on sugar business - sales made up 85% of the total that year and nearly 90% in 2015.

COFCO Tunhe is developing sugar business based on Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (beet sugar) and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (cane sugar), capacity given at 400,000 t/a (beet sugar) and 200,000 t/a (cane sugar) respectively. In addition, it is running a sugar plant in Australia, namely Tully Sugar Ltd., capacity given at about 300,000 t/a.

According to its financial reports, its sales fluctuated largely, impacted by the sugar and tomato business.

  •     2013 - USD1.71 billion (RMB11.27 billion), down by 11.22% YoY   
  •     2014 - USD1.36 billion (RMB8.94 billion), down by 20.64% YoY   
  •     2015 - USD1.78 billion (RMB11.67 billion), up by 30.52% YoY   

In regard to net profit,

  •     2013 - +USD12.44 million (RMB80 million), vs. -USD60.56 million (RMB399 million) in 2012   
  •     2014 - +USD5.01 million (RMB32 million), down by 59.73% YoY   
  •     2015 - +USD11.78 million (RMB76 million), up by 135.13% YoY   

Early in 2015, COFCO Tunhe ever claimed to build up itself into the world's top sugar producer, and to become the domestically top 1 sugar producer. Currently, it is developing well: being financially strong, it is capable of acquiring sugar plants and purchasing sufficient raw materials, for capacity operation and output. Notably on 22 June, it won the auction of Chongzuo Yongkai Zuojiang Sugar Making Co., Ltd.

CCM believes that COFCO Tunhe will achieve large profit growths in sugar business and will improve its market position, thanks to the strongly increasing sugar price.

                                                      COFCO Tunhe's financial performance, 2013-2015


                                                                       Source: COFCO Tunhe Co., Ltd


  This article comes from Sweeteners China News 1606, CCM




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  Tag: sugar  COFCO  sweeteners