China contributes to over 70 percent of global poverty reduction

Publish time: 29th December, 2016      Source: Xinhua News Agency
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BEIJING — The number of Chinese people lifted out of poverty in the last 30 years accounts for more than 70 percent of the world's total, according to a blue paper on poverty reduction released on Dec 27.


Since 1978, China has made great achievements in reducing poverty. From 1978 to 2015, the rural population of China in poverty decreased from 770 million people to 55.75 million, said the blue paper co-produced by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development.


Based on the international poverty line which the World Bank updated to $1.9 per person per day (in purchasing power parity) in 2011, the world's poverty population was reduced by 1.1 billion people from 1981 to 2012.


During the same period, China took 790 million people out of poverty, 71.82 percent of the world total.


The paper also analyzed the challenges faced by China in building an all-round moderately prosperous society.