China's hog production grows steadily in March

Publish time: 26th April, 2020      Source: Xinhua
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BEIJING — China is making progress in resuming hog production, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. 


China's breeding sows in stock in 400 counties monitored by the ministry expanded by 2.8 percent month on month in March, growing for the sixth consecutive month, said the ministry. 


Newly-born piglets in farms with over 500 pigs in stock saw a month-on-month growth of 7.3 percent last month. 


A total of 28 provincial regions registered growth in the number of hogs in March, two more than those of February, data from the ministry showed. 


Since last year, the country has implemented a string of policies to encourage hog production and stabilize pork prices affected by African swine fever and other cyclical factors. 


To soften the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak, China has ramped up financial support including subsidies and loans to major pig producing counties to restore production.