2,4-D Survey in China(the Tenth Edition)

Publish time: 16th January, 2024      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

  2,4-D products, with a history of production and application exceeding 30 years in China, enjoy a stable market demand. Farmers prefer to use 2,4-D as a herbicide in wheat-, corn- and rice-growing fields or as a plant growth regulator applied on eggplant, tomato, pumpkin, watermelon and etc.

China's 2,4-D output was recorded a year-on-year decline in 2021. The situation improved in 2022 when China launched the implementation of enhancement project for soybean and oilseed production; this project has continued to promote in 2023, considering the soybean- and oilseed-planting areas increased. In 2022, the market price of 2,4-D technical dropped from the high level in late 2021 and kept the downtrend in 2023. Meanwhile, when Chinese genetically modified (GM) herbicide-tolerant crops (mainly corn and soybean) are worth of wide cultivation and promotion, boosting the demand for herbicides for GM herbicide-tolerant crops, China still maintained a quite stable supply of 2,4-D technical for markets home and abroad basically the coming one or two years.

In this report, CCM will do 2,4-D Survey in China 2023 from the following aspects:
√ Production of 2,4-D
√ Price & exports
√ Forecast on 2,4-D industry in China


  Main contents:

        No.                Content                

        Executive summary                
        Scope and methodology                
        1                Brief introduction to 2,4-D in China                
        2                Production of 2,4-D in China                
        2.1                Technology                
        2.2                Key raw materials                
        2.3                Registration                
        2.4                Capacity and output, 2019–2023E                
        2.5                Key producers                
        3                Price & exports of 2,4-D in China, 2021–Q3 2023                
        3.1                Price                
        3.2                Exports status                
        3.2.1                Details in 2021–Q3 2023                
        4                Consumption of 2,4-D in China, 2019–2023                
        4.1                Consumption overview, 2019–2023                
        4.2                Share by crop, 2023                
        4.3                Share by region, 2023                
        5                Forecast on 2,4-D industry in China, 2024–2028                
        5.1                Key influencing factors                
        5.2                Forecast on supply and demand                
        6                Conclusion       

  List of tables:

        Table No.                Table Title       
        Table 1-1                China's imports and exports of pesticides and herbicides, 2019–2022       
        Table 1-2                Domestic output and consumption of 2,4-D technical and related shares in herbicides, 2019–2022       
        Table 2.3-1                Valid registrations of 2,4-D in China, as of Dec. 2023       
        Table 2.3-2                Valid registration of 2,4-D technicals (TC and TK) in China, as of Dec. 2023       
        Table 2.5-1                Production of major 2,4-D technical producers in China, 2019–2023E       
        Table 3.2.1-1                Monthly exports of 2,4-D technical and formulations in China, Q1–Q3 2023       
        Table 3.2.1-2                Monthly exports of 2,4-D technical and formulations in China, 2022       
        Table 3.2.1-3                Monthly exports of 2,4-D technical and formulations in China, 2021       
        Table 3.2.1-4                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by destination in Q1–Q3 2023, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-5                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by destination in 2022, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-6                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by destination in 2021, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-7                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by exporter in Q1–Q3 2023, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-8                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by exporter in 2022, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-9                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by exporter in 2021, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-10                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by producer in Q1–Q3 2023, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-11                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by producer in 2022, tonne       
        Table 3.2.1-12                Export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations from China by producer in 2021, tonne       
        Table 4.1-1                Production, export, import and apparent consumption of 2,4-D in China, 2019–2023E       

  List of figures:

        Figure No.                Figure Title       
        Figure 1-1                Output and share of herbicides in China's pesticide industry, 2019–2023E       
        Figure 2.4-1                Capacity and output of 2,4-D technical in China, 2019–2023E       
        Figure 3.1-1                Annual ex-works price of 98% 2,4-D technical in China, 2019–2022       
        Figure 3.1-2                Monthly ex-works price of 98% 2,4-D technical in China, Jan. 2021–Nov. 2023       
        Figure 3.2-1                Annual export price of main specifications of 2,4-D technical and formulations in China, 2019–Q3 2023       
        Figure 3.2-2                Annual export volume of 2,4-D technical and formulations in China, 2019–Q3 2023       
        Figure 4.1-1                Actual consumption volume of 2,4-D (converted into 100% technical) in China, 2019–2023       
        Figure 4.2-1                Consumption of 2,4-D formulations (converted into 100% technical) by crop in China, 2023       
        Figure 4.3-1                Consumption of 2,4-D formulations (calculated by 100% technical) in China by region, 2023       
        Figure 5.2-1                Forecast on supply of 2,4-D technical (calculated by 100% technical) in China, 2024–2028       
        Figure 5.2-2                Forecast on demand for 2,4-D formulations (calculated by 100% technical) in China, 2024–2028       


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