Corn products prices fall in August 2024

Publish time: 29th August, 2024      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

  Summary: The new season corn is gradually listed,the demand side is relatively weak,and the price of corn is weak in August.


  Corn prices for August 2024 are as follows: The average price is 2388 yuan/ton.


  Spot prices in August continue to run weak .The following figure takes a day in August as an example,the pries of various provinces are shown below.


          Province and city         


          August 16th         


          August 15th         


          July 16th         


























































          Inner Mongolia         

































































  Influence factor:


  · Market supply and demand
The decline in feed production,the lack of bullish confidence of traders and the wilings to ship is strong ,which exerts a certain pressure on prices.And the overall drivers of the market are limited.The market trades around a game of good production and weak consumption.
Source:China food network


  As a crop,the price of corn is greatly affected by climate factors.With the increase of domestic corn supply channels,it is more difficult for northern corn to export to the south.

  The spot shipment of corn from the north to the south continues to be upside down,and the spot shipment from the north to the sourth is upside down 50 to 80yuan/ton.

  Sourth:Grain and oil market report



  More information can be found at CCM Corn Products China Monthly Report.


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