Production and Market of Urea in China

Report edition: 2009 edition(2)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 105
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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   USD 20,000

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Urea is an important nitrogenous fertilizer in China. After several years’ fast development, China has become a top urea production country in the world. While at the same time, Chinese urea industry at present is confronted with many challenges. Therefore, adjustment is urgent for China’s urea industry to survive current economic depression, and Chinese government has also carried out several policies to optimize urea industry.

This report focuses on urea market situation in 2008 and H1 in 2009, as well as unveiling the future of Chinese urea industry based on the current trend.

You can figure out a detailed view of Chinese urea industry in the following aspects:

- What is the production situation of China’s urea industry in 2008?

- Who are the top manufacturers and key players?

- How many new projects are under construction at present or under planning in next five years?

- What are the present situation and future prospect of China’s small urea plants?

- What are the latest policies in China concerned urea industry and their effects?

- Is there any technology improvement of urea production in China?

- What is the trend of China’s urea industry? What are the key opportunities?

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