Production Survey of Copper Salts in China

Report edition: 2011 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 22
Language version: English
Published by CCM
   USD 800
   USD 2,000

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


"Copper salts, the necessary raw materials for industry and agriculture, are widely applied in plating, pesticide, feed, medicine, etc. There are about 40 types of copper salts in China, of which copper sulphate pentahydrate, copper oxychloride, copper hydroxide and bordeaux mixture are four major copper salts applied in agriculture. China is an important production base of copper salts around the world. Although facing many challenges, Chinese copper salts'industry will still develop with a steady growth rate in the future according to this report’s research.

This report presents a comprehensive and deep analysis on four major copper salts and their application in China, especially for agricultural use. This report will give investors, researchers, or enthusiasts for copper salts a unique perspective into production of copper salts in China. Main points of this report focus on the detailed analysis on production and key producers of major copper salts in China.

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