Market Research of Phytol in China

Report edition: 2013 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 29
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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   USD 12,500

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


It is the first edition for CCM to produce this phytol China report, which is finished in Jan. 2013.

As a high value-added product in the comprehensive utilization of silkworm resources, phytol has been extracted from silkworm feces and then used as the raw material of vitamin E since 1950s. Nevertheless, its output and the number of producers are still small at present. As of 2012, there are less than 10 phytol producers. Different from some overseas porducers who use natural plant as raw material in phytol production, phytol is produced as a by-product of chlorophyll series products extracting from silkworm feces in China. This results in the unique features of phytol production in China, such as producers (their distribution, production scale, product variety, price, export situation, etc.), production cost, production technology, IP issues, etc.

China is a big silk producer and has been exploring methods to comprehensive use of silk resource for years. With better use and deep processing of silkworm resources, phytol industry is gradually recognized and will have a big leap in future development.

Phytol was firstly used to synthetic vitamin E. After more than fifty years, it is mainly used in the field of vitamin K1, food additives, cosmetics, etc.. The demand for vitamin K1 in domestic market is stable while the food additives and cosmetics industries are growing rapidly. What's the specific consumption situations in these fields? Who will be the biggest consumers in domestic market? Who are the top phytol suppliers? Furthermore, there are many new application fields in China’s phytol market. How will the downstream demand for phytol change in the future? What are the key factors influencing phytol industry?

Based on these questions, this report makes a deep analysis from the following aspects:

- Current production situation of phytol in China, 2008–2012

- Raw material

- Production cost analysis

- Consumption situation

- Production technology of phytol

- Key industry factors and future forecast on phytol, 2013-2017

- Introduction to the main phytol producers in China

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