Production and Market of Glucono-delta-lactone in China

Report edition: 2013 edition(4)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 38
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


In 2012, China is still an important glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) production country in the world. From 2008 to 2010, domestic GDL industry had been affected by decreasing demand as a result of global financial crisis and domestic food safety problem. Since 2011, domestic GDL industry has seen a significant recovery. Some producers have been washed out due to losses, while some have expanded their production capacity. In this report, you can find out the latest production situation of GDL in China.

There are about nine active GDL producers nationwide in 2012 with the total output of GDL reaching about 18,500 tonnes. Among them, Anhui Xingzhou Medicine Food Co., Ltd. is the largest producer at present. What is the latest information about the producers in China? Meanwhile, food industry is the biggest consumption field of GDL in China. So what is the latest consumption pattern of GDL in China?

Additionally, the major production technology of GDL is fermentation method. However, current fermentation method in China still causes some pollutants. The stricter domestic environmental policy will lead to higher production cost at domestic producers in consideration of the high waste treatment cost. What is the development trend of domestic production technology of GDL?

Apart from the aspects mentioned above, what other changes in GDL industry can be seen from 2008 to 2012? What is the overall development trend of GDL industry in China in the future? You can find the answers in this report.

This report combines CCM's expertise in GDL market research. Highlights of this report are listed as follows:

- Historical development of GDL industry in China

- Production situation in China

- Analysis of production technology

- Description on consumption pattern, apparent consumption and application fields

- Forecast on supply and demand of GDL in China, 2013-2017

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