Feed Enzyme Market Study in China

Report edition: 2013 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 64
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


China’s feed enzyme market has embraced a five-year fast growth since 2008 when the major production area of calcium hydrophosphate—Sichuan Province—was hit by a great earthquake, which highly reduced the domestic supply for feed production and pushed up the price of the product. Phytase, the key substitute for calcium hydrophosphate in feed, expanded its market share luckily.

However, the fast development of the feed enzyme market in the past did not rely on fortune. Feed enzymes can help breeding enterprises both in cost saving and environmental protection, which are two key issues to them. Now more and more feed enzymes are consumed in China; meanwhile, more and more capacity are launched.

However, compared with other mature markets in the world, such as the EU and the US, the feed enzyme industry in China is less competitive in the global market both in production and application technology, as well as technological services.

Then, how is the current situation of feed enzyme industry in China and what will the future holds?

CCM stands on the view of the global feed enzyme market and conducts an overall analysis of the feed enzyme market in China, covering the following aspects:

1. Overview of global feed enzyme market, 2008~2012

2. Analysis of feed enzyme market in China, 2008~2012

-Market volume and value

-Market share by products and key producers

-Price trend

-Key products

3. Analysis of 5 key feed enzyme producers in China, 2013

-Product structure



-Sales capability

4. Case study on two companies, 2012~2013

-Business portfolio




-Technological services

5. Forecast on the development of China’s feed enzyme market, 2013~2018

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