Pesticide Policies in China

Report edition: 2014 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 25
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


After years of development, both the capacity and the output of pesticides in China are at the forefront in the world and China has become one of the most important producers and exporters. However, problems like unreasonable product structure, repeated construction; overcapacity and chaotic management not only have large impact on the development of pesticide industry, but also exert negative influence on food security and the environment in China. As one of the most important factors that influence China's pesticide industry development, policies issued by the Chinese government always have great significance in guiding the whole pesticide industry.

In 2013, a series of policies were issued for pesticides, which have great effects on some fields in pesticide industry and help push forward further healthy development of this industry. For instance, the apparent increase of the price index of pesticides in 2013 can be mainly attributable to the environmental policies, which is an emphasized point in pesticide industry. And policies such as the restriction of high toxic pesticides and some other management regulations also shows progress made in pesticide industry in China.

In this report, the major pesticide policies in China in 2013 had been described and deeply analysed from the following aspects:

- Overview of pesticide policies in 2013

- Policies on pesticide industry

- Policies on biopesticides

- Policies on herbicides

- Policies on insecticides

- Some local pesticides policies

- Interpretation of policies in pesticide industry in 2013

- Policies' effect on current pesticide industry

- Trend of policies in pesticide industry in 2014

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