Vitamin Industry Trend in China

Report edition: 2015 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 24
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Vitamin industry hot topics in 2013 and 2014:

-Supply situation has been playing a dominant role in the performance of China's vitamin industry since 2013, while the weak demand has provided little support for the vitamin market.

-Acquisitions and restructuring have happened frequently in Chinese vitamin industry since 2013, such as DSM acquiring Aland, a leading Chinese vitamin C producer.

-Many manufacturers have started their business transformations, in order to look for new growth points.

-Environmental protection is playing an increasingly important role in the Chinese vitamin industry, and environmental dynamics have frequently impacted the vitamin market in 2013 and 2014.

Purpose of report:

Production, price changes of China's vitamins, dynamics of leading manufacturers, and environmental issues will be analyzed in this report, in order to clearly describe and better understand the status and future trend of China's vitamin industry.

What to report:

-An overview of China's vitamin production, 2011-2013;

-Price changes of China's vitamins, 2011-Sept. 2014;

-Dynamics of leading vitamin manufacturers including acquisitions, restructurings, and business transformations, 2013 and 2014;

-Environmental issues and policies and their impacts on the vitamin market;


Leading manufacturers are hopeful to improve their competiveness through acquisitions, restructurings, and business transformations. Besides, the increasing environmental cost of vitamin manufacturers will lead to the elimination of some small manufacturers, and therefore increase the industrial concentration.

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