Production and Market of Azoxystrobin in China

Report edition: 2018 edition(7)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 61
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


China's azoxystrobin industry has made great progress during the past few years, and is playing a more and more important role in the world's azoxystrobin market. This report is a value analysis of azoxystrobin and its raw material trimethyl orthoformate. The whole report is an integrated analysis and a professional forecast to guide investments and business movements for the players who pay close attention to azoxystrobin industry or try to find opportunities from it.

Azoxystrobin is an important strobilurin fungicide in China. As an effective and environment-friendly fungicide, azoxystrobin plays a more and more important role at home and abroad in recent few years. Thanks to increasing demand for azoxystrobin at home and abroad, from 2013 to 2017, China exported azoxystrobin products to more and more countries and regions and the number of exporters increased year by year. However, after years' development, the competition in China's azoxystrobin market has become increasingly intense.

From 2013 to 2017, the domestic apparent consumption of azoxystrobin in China increased sharply. It's noteworthy that the CAGR of the consumption of azoxystrobin was only 4.00% from 2013 to 2015 but it jumped to 51.56% from 2015 to 2017, showing that consumption of azoxystrobin has been growing faster in China.

This is CCM's seventh edition of China's chlorpyrifos industry report and this report provides an overview of the azoxystrobin industry in China in the following aspects:

- Supply of azoxystrobin in China, 2013–H1 2018

- Raw materials of azoxystrobin in China, 2013–2017

- Price of azoxystrobin in China, 2013–Sept. 2018

- Consumption of azoxystrobin in China, 2013–2017

- Exports of azoxystrobin from China, 2013–2017

- Key factors affecting the development of azoxystrobin in China

- Technology of azoxystrobin production in China

- Forecast on demand and price for azoxystrobin in China, 2018–2022

- Profiles of major Chinese azoxystrobin producers

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