Merger and Acquisition Research in Pesticide Industry

Report edition: 2011 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 41
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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   USD 3,750

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


M&A means two or more than two independent companies are merged one company or one of the companies uses cash, debenture and stock to purchase other company's asset and stock, in order to attain control right of the company. One plus one makes three: this equation is the special alchemy of a merger or an acquisition. The key principle behind buying a company is to create shareholder value over and above that of the sum of the two companies. Two companies together are more valuable than two separate companies - at least, that's the reasoning behind M&A.

Merger and Acquisition Research in Pesticide Industry is CCM’s first edition report on Chinese Merger and Acquisition in pesticide industry, finished in June 2011. This intelligence report attaches importance to the following parts:

- Investigate all the cases related to Merger & Acquisition in Chinese pesticide industry in the past years.

- Introduce what is M&A and M&A of domestic enterprises by foreign Investors;

- Pay close attention to basic system and basic procedure of M&A;

- Indicate necessary documents and laws about M&A;

- Analyse the government policies about M&A;

- Emphasize on major concerns of two parties of M&A;

- Figure out current situation of M&A (factors for successful M&A and barriers to M&A);

- Forecast on M&A in China in the future;

- List lots of cases about M&A at home and aboard

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