Updated Intelligence Covering the Whole Phosphorus Industry Chain!

CCM's Phosphorus Database

China's phosphorus industry covers phosphorus ore, yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, phosphate fertilizers, fine phosphate chemicals and many other associated products. To help the industry players keep updated with valuable intelligence throughout the whole phosphorus industry chain, CCM released an online Phosphorus Database, through which clients can acquire the latest development situation of phosphorus related products and the future trends in China's phosphorus industry, as well as obtaining a general view of the phosphorus industry in China.

What does the database offer?

  • Monthly newsletters with the latest intelligence in relation to China's phosphorus industry;
  • Monthly update of market data like export analysis & production situation, and coverage of producer information & consumption situation;
  • Monthly update of data reports on price monitoring, trade analysis, price forecast and cost analysis;
  • Annual market report with in-depth analysis and forecast;
  • Daily update of phosphorus related products information entries in content byte

*First name:



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Coverage of the whole phosphorus industry


Major contents at a glance

Categories Contents Number of entries Update frequency
Market Data Producer information, production data, production forecast, price monitoring, price forecast, consumption data, cost analysis, etc., covering over 50 phosphorus-related products 200+ (entries) Weekly/Monthly/Annually
Market report Global Trade Analysis of Yellow Phosphorus; Global Market of Yellow Phosphorus; The Future of Yellow Phosphorus in China; Phosphorus Ore Resources in China, etc. 10+ (editions) Annually
Industry News Phosphorus Industry China Monthly Report 30+ (issues) Monthly
Trade analysis Phosphorus export analysis based on raw data sourced from China Customs, and CCM’s exclusive summaries, including export volume, price, time, destination countries, specification, application, information of exporters & manufacturers, etc. 100+ (entries) Monthly
Content Byte Phosphorus related products information entries presented in flexible forms, including text, figure, picture, table and group 1,500+ (entries) Daily
Note: The number of entries was updated as of 25th October 2013.

Free trial for Phosphorus Database is available now! You can apply for the free trial account number by contacting your account manager or sending your application to econtact@cnchemicals.com, no later than 25th November 2013.