In 2023, the global pesticide market was in a destocking stage, facing a huge shock not seen in over 30 years, with major pesticide/formulation companies experiencing a significant decline in sales reRead more....
This report dives into the dynamic landscape of the Asia-Pacific agrochemical market. We'll identify the key players shaping the industry and map out the intricate flow of agrochemicals within APACRead more....
In 2023, China's pesticide industry grappled with multiple challenges such as a global slump in demand for pesticides, sharp price volatility for pesticide TC and escalating competition both at homRead more....
China implements increasingly stringent regulations on pesticides since the revision of Regulations of Pesticide Management in 2021. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (MARA) laRead more....
In 2019–2023, China's glufosinate-ammonium production has been in a fast expansion period, with significant growth in capacity and output. However, the export volume saw fluctuations during this perRead more....
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