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    Advantages of glufosinate-ammonium

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Non-selective herbicide;Glyphosate technical;Glufosinate-ammonium;Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical Company (Zhejiang Yongnong);Zhejiang University of Technology;Sichuan Lier Chemical Company;Zhejiang Wynca Chemical Group;Basic info;Producer;Planting

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    Weak demand for glufosinate-ammonium

    Latest update:2009/12/22


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    Situation of glufosinate-ammonium in Shangyu Yongnong

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glufosinate-ammonium technical;Glufosinate-ammonium;Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical Company (Zhejiang Yongnong));Shangyu Yongnong Chemical Company (Shangyu Yongnong);Registration;Production/Supply;Affiliated company;Price

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    Situation of glufosinate-ammonium in Zhejiang Yongnong

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glufosinate-ammonium formulation;Glufosinate-ammonium technical;Glufosinate-ammonium;Glufosinate-ammonium 20% SL;Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical co,.ltd.;Basic info;Production/Supply;Demand;Sale

    Description:Zhejiang Yongnong, the first glufosinate-ammonium producer in China, launched glufosinate-ammonium commercial production lines with technical capacity of 800t/a and 20% SL capacity of 2,000t/a in 2007…

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    Shandong Zhongnong to produce (S)-metolachlor

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:(S)-metolachlor;Shandong Binnong Technology Co., Ltd.;Shandong Zhongnong Minchang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Shandong Zhongnong);Production/Supply;New project/new production line;Technology;Affiliated company

    Description:Shandong Zhongnong Minchang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Shandong Zhongnong), a related company of Shandong Binnong Technology Co., Ltd., is planning to build a 3,000t/a (S)-metolachlor production lin…

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    (S)-metolachlor production technology in Shandong Zhongnong

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:(S)-metolachlor;Syngenta;Shandong Zhongnong Minchang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Shandong Zhongnong);Patent/intellectual property right;Technology;R&D/Technology innovation

    Description:Shandong Zhongnong has made great efforts to develop a new technology different from that of Syngenta, as Syngenta has applied patent for its (S)-metolachlor production technology. Mr. Yan, general ma…

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    Most(S)-metolachlor of Shandong Zhongnong for export

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Acetochlor;(S)-metolachlor;Shandong Zhongnong Minchang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Shandong Zhongnong);Export;Export destination;Price;Profit/Revenue

    Description:According to Mr. Yan,general manager from Shandong Zhongnong, Shandong Zhongnong will mainly sell its (S)-metolachlor to overseas market, as export has higher profit than domestic sales. Besides, it i…

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    Introduction to (S)-metolachlor

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;(S)-metolachlor;Rapeseed;Cotton;Soybean;Corn;Weeds;Basic info;Application;Sale

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    Introduction to Shangdong Zhongnong

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Pesticides;Fine chemicals;Shandong Zhongnong Minchang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Shandong Zhongnong);Basic info;Intermediate

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    BSM Chemical to build alkylaniline production lines

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Feed;Methionine;2-isopropylaniline;2,4-dimethylaniline;2,6-dimethylaniline;4-Isopropylaniline;Alkylaniline;BSM Chemical Company (BSM Chemical);New project/new production line;Variety/Species;Technology;R&D/Technology innovation;Investment

    Description:BSM Chemical Company (BSM Chemical) is to build new alkylaniline production lines, including 1,500t/a 4-isopropylaniline, 500t/a 2-isopropylaniline, 500t/a 2,6-dimethylaniline and 1,500t/a 2,4-dimethy…

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    Sales of alkylaniline from BSM Chemical

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Alkylaniline;Bsm Chemical Import & Export Co., Ltd.;Export;End user/Client;Sale

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    BSM Chemical’s alkylaniline production to increase raw materials for herbicides

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Metazachlor;Delachlor;2,6-dimethylaniline;Isoproturon;4-Isopropylaniline;Alkylaniline;BSM Chemical Company;Production/Supply;New project/new production line;Competition;Raw materials

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    Introduction to BSM Chemical Company

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Isopropyl aniline;Dimethylaniline;Mononitro dimethyl benzene;Bsm Chemical Import & Export Co., Ltd.;Basic info;Variety/Species

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    Sanxia Yingli’s glycine: blocked by both technology and market

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate;Natural gas;Glycine;Chongqing Sanxia Paints Company (Chongqing Sanxia);Chongqing Sanxia Yingli Chemical Company (Sanxia Yingli);Production/Supply;Demand;Factor;Technology;Raw materials;Price;Investment;Profit/Revenue

    Description:Chongqing Sanxia's Q1 2009 Report issued on 21 April, the first glycine production line started trial run on 2 March 2009 and produced the first patch of glycine on 8 March. From 2 March to 20 April, …

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    FIGURE Price fluctuation of glycine in 2008 to present

    Latest update:2009/12/22


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    FIGURE Paraquat export situation, H1 2008 & H1 2009

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Paraquat formulation;Paraquat technical;Export

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    FIGURE Price changes of pyridine, paraquat and glyphosate in 2008~2009

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate technical;Paraquat technical;Pyridine;Price

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    Paraquat export escapes impact from global financial crisis

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate technical;Pyridine;Paraquat formulations;Paraquat technical;42% paraquat technical;Paraquat formulation 20% SL;Anhui Guoxing Bio-chemical Company;Rice;Corn;Orchard;Export;Consumption;Demand;Producer;Factor;Raw materials;Price

    Description:Compared with glyphosate market, China's paraquat market hasn't been greatly impacted by the global financial crisis, reflecting by the significant increase in export and high operating rate of paraqu…

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    TABLE Clopyralid active registrations in China, as of August 2009

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Clopyralid formulations;Clopyralid technical;Clopyralid formulation 75% WSG;Clopyralid 95% TC;Hebei Wanquan Lihua Chemicals Company;Lier Chemical Company;Hunan Yuanjiang Chifeng Agrochemical Company;Sheyang Huanghai Pesticide Chemical Company;Anhui Fengle Agrochemical Company;Chongqing Shuangfeng Chemical Company;Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical Company;Dow AgroSciences;Registration

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    China's most clopyralid produced for export

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Post emergence herbicide;Herbicide;Clopyralid technical;Chongqing Shuangfeng Chemical Company;Anhui Fengle Agrochemical Company;Zhejiang Yongnong Chemical Company;Lier Chemical Company;Production/Supply;Export;Export destination;Consumption;Producer

    Description:Clopyralid, a post emergence herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in lawns and fields of many crops, is an export-oriented product in China. Most clopyralid produced in China is exported to Europ…