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    Clopyralid registration

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Clopyralid formulation;Clopyralid technical;Clopyralid formulation 75% WSG;Clopyralid formulation 30% AS;Clopyralid 95% TC;Dow AgroSciences;Lier Chemical Co., Ltd.;Registration

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    Clopyralid TC price

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Clopyralid technical;Clopyralid 95% TC;Yancheng Fengyang Chemical Co., Ltd.;Lier Chemical Co., Ltd.;Demand;Raw materials;Price

    Description:Quotations for clopyralid 95% TC in China ranged from USD39,531/t to USD46,852/t in August 2009. Lier Chemical Company's quotation was the highest, as it claimed that its product has the best quality …

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    Bentazone to see capacity expansion

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Bentazone technical;97% bentazone technical;Jiangsu Repont Pesticide Company (Jiangsu Repont);Jiangsu Jiannong Agrochemical Company (Jiangsu Jiannong);Jiangsu Lvlilai Company (Jiangsu Lvlilai);Registration;Production/Supply;New project/new production line

    Description:According to CCM's investigation, at least two companies, namely Jiangsu Lvlilai Company (Jiangsu Lvlilai) and Jiangsu Jiannong Agrochemical Company (Jiangsu Jiannong) will expand production capacity …

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    Capacity expansion of bentazone technical caused by increasing demand and tight supply

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicide;Fomesafen;Bentazone formulation;Bentazone technical;Bentazone formulation 480g/L AS;Anhui Fengle Agrochemical Company (Anhui Fengle);Jiangsu Lvlilai Co.,Ltd.;Rice;Corn;Soybean;Sugar beet;Production/Supply;Consumption;Demand;Producer;Market share;Factor;Application

    Description:Capacity expansion of bentazone technical is mainly triggered by its increasing demand and tight supply.

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    Quotation for bentazone technical

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Bentazone technical;Bentazone technical 96%;Jiangsu Jiannong Agrochemical Co.,Ltd.;Price

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    Bentazone registration

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Bentazone formulation;Bentazone technical;Bentazone formulation 480g/L AS;Bentazone formulation AS;Bentazone mixed formulation;Bentazone single formulation;Registration

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    FIGURE Registration structure of glyphosate single formulations in China as of Aug. 2009, by varieties

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate formulations;Glyphosate formulations88.8WSG;Glyphosate formulations 77.7%WSG;Glyphosate formulations 58%SP;Glyphosate formulations 75.7%WSG;Glyphosate formulations 30%SL;Glyphosate formulations 30%SP;Glyphosate formulations 62%IPA;Glyphosate formulations 50%SP;Glyphosate formulations 10%SL;Glyphosate formulations 41% IPA;Glyphosate single formulations;Registration;Consumption;Variety/Species

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    Reasons for 41% IPA to dominate formulation market

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate formulations;Glyphosate solid formulations;Glyphosate formulations WSG;Glyphosate formulations 10%SL;Glyphosate formulations 41% IPA;Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture (ICAMA);Monsanto;Policy;Market share;Technology

    Description:It's predicted that market gap left by low-content glyphosate formulations will be seized by 41% IPA, mainly due to the following reasons:

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    Solid formulations to enjoy promising market in long term

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Glyphosate formulations;Glyphosate SL formulations;Glyphosate 75.7% WSG;Glyphosate solid formulations;Consumption;Demand

    Description:Though output and consumption volume of solid formulations are much smaller than that of SL formulations at present, glyphosate solid formulations will see promising market in the long term, because i…

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    Administration of AI Contents for Pesticide Single Formulations (Supplementary Provisions)

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Pesticides;Glyphosate formulations;Glyphosate formulations SL;Ministry of Industry and Information Technology;China Agriculture Ministry;Registration;Policy

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    TABLE Acetanilide herbicides production situation in China in 2008

    Latest update:2009/12/22


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    TABLE Current problems and solutions of acetanilide herbicide

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Pesticide;Herbicides;Butachlor;Acetanilide;Barnyard grass;Environmental protection;Challenge;Policy;Production/Supply;Technology;Strategy;R&D/Technology innovation;Profit/Revenue

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    General situation of Acetanilide herbicides

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Propisochlor;Glyphosate formulations;Glyphosate technical;Organophosphorus;Alachlor;Butachlor;Acetochlor;Allidochlor;Acetanilide;Monsanto;Paddy;Basic info;Import;Variety/Species;Price;Application;Sale

    Description:Acetanilide herbicides have been developing quickly after the first acetanilide herbicide allidochlor was invented by Monsanto in 1956. Till now, 53 kinds of acetanilide herbicides have come into comm…

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    Production and demand situation of acetanilide herbicides

    Latest update:2009/12/22


    Description:The total output of acetanilide herbicides was about 70,000 tonnes in China in 2008.

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    China’s first paraquat producer closes down production lines

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Heterocyclic herbicides;Herbicides;Paraquat formulations;Paraquat technical;Paraquat 20% AS formulation;Paraquat technical (42% TC);Tianmen Environmental Protection Bureau;Hubei Sanonda Company;Hubei Tianmen Agrochemical Company (Tianmen Agrochemical);Environmental protection;Policy;Production/Supply;New project/new production line;Producer;Affiliated company;R&D/Technology innovation

    Description:Hubei Tianmen Agrochemical Company (Tianmen Agrochemical), the first commercial producer of paraquat technical in China, closed down its 3,000t/a paraquat technical (42% TC) and 5,000t/a 20% AS formul…

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    Paraquat production technology development in Tianmen Agrochemical

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Paraquat formulations;Paraquat technical;Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture;Tianmen Pesticide Factory;Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd.;Iprochem Tianmen Agrochemical Co. Ltd.;Technology supplier;Technology;Price;Investment

    Description:Tianmen Agrochemical was jointly founded by Hubei Sanonda and Tianmen Pesticide Factory in 1994. Tianmen Pesticide Factory, which developed sodium metal method for paraquat production in 1987, is the …

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    Bayer wins patent infringement lawsuit in China

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Mefenpyr-diethyl;Jiangsu High Court;First Instance of Wuxi Municipal Court;Yixing Huadong Agrochemical Company Ltd (Yixing Huadong);Jiangsu Tianrong Group Co., Ltd (Jiangsu Tianrong);Bayer CropScience;Company dynamics;Patent/intellectual property right;Threat;Risk

    Description:On September 2nd, 2009, Bayer CropScience won a patent infringement lawsuit over its patented product safener mefenpyr-diethyl in China. The litigation was launched against two Chinese firms namely Ji…

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    Basic info of mefenpyr-diethyl

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicides;Puma;Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl;Mefenpyr-diethyl;Bayer CropScience;Black grass;Foxtails;Wild oats;Barley;Triticale;Rye;Wheat;Patent/intellectual property right;Application

    Description:Mefenpyr-diethyl is a safener additive patented by Bayer CropScience. Safener is added to herbicides to protect crops by ensuring the rapid degradation of the herbicidal substance in crop plants. Mefe…

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    Introduction to Bayer CropScience

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Bayer;Bayer CropScience;Basic info;Affiliated company

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    TABLE Details of Noposion’s 4 key projects

    Latest update:2009/12/22

    Keyword:Herbicide;Fertilizer;Pesticide;Noposion;Registration;Company dynamics;New project/new production line;R&D/Technology innovation;Investment